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How secure are smartphones and tablets?

With the boom in the internet and technology industry, ensuring smartphones, which most people have now, are secure is paramount in their utilization. There are steps that can be taken to help ensure smartphones are secure, most of the steps that need to be taken can be done by the user; other steps will be in the form of patches or security offerings from the manufacturer who may have overlooked a security need or two. In any case it is very important to ensure your smartphone has all the security features you need to avoid unwanted financial or personal information getting into the hands of some untrustworthy soul.

In a recent post by Marcie Geffner, a poll taken of over one thousand banking customers most of them had used their smartphone to make some form of payment through online banking and security was largely a concern for most. In another case, recently touted by Antone Gonsalves, a security issue was found by a Ben-Gurion University PhD student in the new Samsung security system named Knox. In both cases security is a major concern both among our daily citizens and among governments. In the case of the Knox system, the government was considering using the Samsung system for classified information, where security would most certainly be a paramount concern.

Not to fret!

There are plenty of safeguards anyone can take to assist them in ensuring their phone is safe. In the case of the Knox system, Gonsalves speaks to the hope that Samsung will send out a patch to all users to fix this particular system, however for the rest of us who need to increase our protection with our phones, a great eight item list was put together by Bull Guard Security Center listing some great ways to protect your smartphone for those just in case moments. With this information, more smartphone users can feel a lot safer and more secure in their everyday use of their smartphone devices.