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Microsoft recently announced the future release of their new operating system: Windows 10. Why 10, you ask? Well, it’s such a step above Windows 8 that calling it Windows 9 wouldn’t do it justice. I wonder how the number 9 feels about that statement? Also, Microsoft seems to have forgotten how numbers are ordered.

But besides this small mishap, Windows 10 looks pretty cool. So here is what you need to know:

1) It is being designed to work across all device forms: desktops, laptops, tablets, phablets (what?) and smartphones.
2) The return of the much beloved Start Menu! This will combine aspects from the Windows 7 start menu with apps from the Metro/Modern UI, with the search feature within the menu performing a web search as well.

3) ‘Continuum’, or a better merger between two different input methods. In other words for the less tech savvy, Windows 10 will offer better touch/keyboard and mouse integration.

4) Virtual Desktops. Taking some cues from Linux and Expose on Mac OS X, the view can be triggered with a new ‘task view’ button which both allows users to launch a new virtual desktop and jump between them.

5) Pricing and Availability: will you be able to upgrade for free or is there a nominal fee? Unfortunately, we don’t know. However, a technical preview of Windows 10 will be released during the first week of October. The official release will be ‘later in 2015’.

There are still a lot of unknowns involved with this new OS, but we will see a more open Microsoft with Windows 10, hopefully, garnering a more positive reaction than to Windows 8. With Windows 10, Microsoft is looking to leap ahead in the operating software game.

For more information, read the full article here:

And for those of you who don’t know what a phablet is, it is a smartphone-tablet hybrid. Think Samsung Galaxy Note 3 or the HTC One.

And if you want to read all about it, here’s a link to a nifty little article: