Protecting Attorney Case Files from Law Firm Data Breaches
One particularly popular industry for file piracy is the law firm industry. Firms have lost high stakes cases due to hacked databases from opposing law firms. So keep your data safe. Secure Networkers provides solutions that protect all aspects of law firm data security:
Data backup and encryption. Data must be securely transmittable across all devices. Whether in the middle of a trial in a court room, in a conference room while conducting a deposition, or interviewing a witness out in the field… Secure Networkers can provide this level of security and backup.
- Collaboration. Helping law firm staff communicate freely leads to success in the court room. It also needs protection. Collaboration IT has encrypted streams of communication. Secure Networkers can empower your firm with this level of confidence in collaboration.
Preventable Data Breaches
We can protect data from the following situations where data can be exposed:
- Lost laptops and flash drives
- System glitches and software updates, which can expose sensitive private files
- Malicious cyber attacks for criminal gain
We can also provide forensic capabilities. With it you can re-track events that led up to a data breach. Special software must be installed for this capability.
What Our Clients Say About Us:
“I manage a law office in The Woodlands and we were referred to Secure Networkers several years ago. It has been the best experience from a vendor that I could ask for. The entire team is insanely customer-oriented and respectful. This is a company full of military veterans and they treat us like gold. We are so proud of their work and grateful for their efforts. We trust them with our entire network, our home networks and our personal devices and they never, ever disappoint. They are responsive and proactive. And billing? I can’t even count the number of times we should have been billed and were not – they just get it done, asap….”
Jennifer H.Truth In Industry:
Here are just a few examples of how a breach of information can occur and how much remediation would cost…
Example Breach
A law firm customers’ case file containing HIPAA information was stolen from hacked server.
Number of records: 700
Estimated costs at $64 per record = $44,800
Example Breach
A law office dumped sensitive client information into garbage containers behind its facility. The records included Social Security numbers, credit and debit card account numbers, names, addresses and telephone numbers.
Number of records: 4,000
Estimated costs at $64 per record = $256,000
Example Breach
A laptop with employee information stolen out of a parked car.
Number of records: 4,300
Estimated costs at $64 per record = $275,200
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Elements of IT Solutions for This Industry:
Elements of Law Firm Data Security
Defense From Human Error or Malicious Attack
The competitive world of criminal and civil law demands security solutions. Keeping research and briefs safe from those who would profit from them is a matter of having a secure network. Read this excellent article by Nicolle L. Schippers. It addresses the many and varied avenues for adversaries to separate a legal team from critical data and information.
Protection from Loss by Disaster or Misfortune
Law firm data security IT is not just to protect data from the hands of would-be criminals and competitors. It is also to protect it from disaster and other misfortunes that can happen in the course of daily activities. Secure Networkers provides IT data security solutions for complete data recovery.
Elements of Law Firm Data Access and Usability
Accessing Important Information from any device
Whether in the law library, the court room, or in a conference room for a deposition, attorneys need to have quick access to data files. They must be able to record information (video, audio, and notes) with deft execution. It needs to be easy. In other words, there should be no fumbling between mobile device and laptop when interviewing a key witness. All concentration should be on actually getting the interview accomplished. Good networking and proper system configuration can liberate law firm staff… and free up their communication and data collection abilities. From any device, anywhere, they can support each other on the fly with ease.
Enjoying a Reliable Office System
Having an IT solution that takes care of all law firm concerns – from case management to payroll – is foundational to the operation of the firm. Secure Networkers can create a reliable office system from the ground up. Or, we can help update your existing system to run with better efficiency.
Law Firm Data Security Not Compromised
with Collaboration Technology
Extreme Security Across Devices Used with Collaboration Software
The availability of collaboration software is so helpful to the law industry. Law firms can feel safe with collaboration equipment and software. It allows for conferencing and interviews to convene with secure connections. Confidence is assured that privacy and confidentiality is maintained across data communication lines, no matter where the conversation needs to take place.