Business Firewall Solutions - Business Network Design Subgroup: Products and Services Business Network Design Assessments

Business Network Design Analysis - Network Assessment

Sample Network Assessment Report

Correct network design dictates the security and efficiency of the operating system. Secure Networkers offers complete business network design analysis:

  • Data security
  • Data integrity

We help clients meet industry compliance requirements, such as HIPAA risk analysis and management.

It is important to ensure that only employees with correct authorization have access. Leaks of sensitive documents and folders often result from loose authorization policies. It is just as important that operators with correct clearances have access without impediment. We can design for you a business a system that is:

  • Optimized for security
  • Evaluated for risks
  • User-friendly

We aim to make sure your existing system has complete business network design analysis.

Healthcare Industry: Request Annual HIPAA Assessment

HIPAA Security Rule at 45 CFR §164.308 requires that an annual network assessment be performed. A HIPAA Assessment will detect for a healthcare organization:

  • Identify the network’s existing vulnerabilities
  • Provide visibility of at-risk behaviors in business operations
  • Provide suggestions for corrections that will lead to compliance

If audited, proving you have done your annual assessment ensures protection from penalties.  REQUEST ANNUAL HIPAA ASSESSMENT

Network Health Check

A great place to begin evaluating the business network design is with a Network Health Check. Providing businesses with insights of their existing system is helpful. If the analysis reveals the need to make network correction, the business manager can make an educated decision. A Network Health check can help to optimize a system. It can also solve problems that end users experience.   REQUEST NETWORK HEALTH CHECK

Penetration Testing


Penetration testing allows our customers to see exactly where their network is vulnerable. It also allows owners to test operator behaviors. A data penetration test will result in a report that will outline all areas of concern, and how to correct them. This not only resolves areas of vulnerability. A penetration test gives the added advantage of optimizing the office system. REQUEST PENETRATION TEST

Sample Security Assessment Report

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